
Booking Options

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Enjoy a night away from home at York’s best address. Experience our state of the art Cookery School, where you will take part in one of our Express Classes. Classes last two hours in which you’ll master a dish from the menu, before sitting down to enjoy it with a glass of wine or soft drink. Finish off with a Yorkshire breakfast the next day.

Thursday Night Package Includes:

One night stay in a Classic bedroom 

Full Yorkshire Breakfast

Express Class in The Cookery School

Access to spa and gym facilities

Complimentary welcome chocolates

Complimentary upgrade (subject to availability)

Flexible booking for peace of mind – free cancellations up until 4pm the day prior to arrival

£180 (single occupancy)

£239 (double occupancy)

*Please check the class time table on The Cookery School page to which classes are avaible on your chosen date.


For more information, call us on 01904 380038 or email reservations@thegrandyork.co.uk